Are you thinking about installing impact glass windows in your home? We're giving you 6 reasons why you need to install impact glass windows.

Home ownership is a great source of pride and freedom.

When you own your home, you get to start building equity. That's why home ownership is still considered one of the most important ways to build wealth.

That said, the privileges of home ownership also come with a lot of responsibilities. Homeowners must take steps to ensure that their homes are well-maintained, and secured against both crime and dangerous weather.

If you want to secure your home, then impact glass windows are a great option. Impact glass windows are a heavy-duty solution that can give you and your family peace of mind.

Let's take a look at six reasons to consider impact windows for your home.

Impact Glass Windows Will Protect Your Home From Hurricanes

Here on the Gulf coast, hurricanes are always a matter of concern. In fact, three of the five American cities most vulnerable to hurricanes are located along the Gulf.

Impact-resistant windows are less likely to break in the extreme weather conditions of a hurricane. Because these windows are less likely to shatter, they will protect your family from broken glass.

This is especially important for families with pets and small children. Anyone who has ever broken a plate or a bowl knows how difficult it can be to clean glass up. No matter how carefully you sweep, you often continue finding glass weeks and months later.

And those glass shards are produced by just one cup or plate. Imagine how much glass would be spread throughout the house by multiple windows breaking.

Additionally, your home will be protected from branches or other objects being hurled through the windows by high-speed winds. This will also protect the items in your home from being damaged.

Not to mention, when a window breaks during a hurricane, rain water can get in. This can cause significant damages to your walls and floors. Impact glass windows can protect your home from all of these factors.

Also, impact glass windows are a better option for hurricane protection than hurricane shutters. Shutters need to be put back up every time there is a hurricane. By contrast, impact windows are ready to protect your home as soon as they are installed.

Here on the Gulf, we don't always get a lot of advanced notice before a hurricane comes in. Also, there may be times when you're out of town, and learn that a hurricane is about to hit back home. Knowing that your home is already protected can offer you a lot of peace of mind.

Also, impact windows won't block light from coming in, the way hurricane shutters do. You'll be grateful for this if you lose power during a storm.

Sleep Soundly with Increased Security

Another great feature of impact glass windows is added security.

Most home burglaries happen when a thief enters through an unlocked door or window, or a window that is easily pried open.

These windows are difficult to break because they are constructed with several layers of glass. Since they don't shatter easily, burglars will be discouraged from targeting your home.

Reduce Noise Pollution

There are few things more frustrating than trying to fall asleep at night, only to be disturbed by a variety of noises throughout the neighborhood.

Dogs barking, car doors slamming, and traffic all contribute to noise pollution. In addition to keeping you up at night, these sounds can also be disturbing throughout the day.

Luckily, impact glass windows can help dampen the noise that comes into your home. This is because impact windows feature a polyvinyl membrane between two sheets of glass. This polyvinyl material is effective at absorbing noise.

With impact glass windows, you can enjoy your home without being bothered by noisy distractions.

Reduce Cooling Costs

People live in Florida and Alabama because they love the temperate weather in the fall and winter.

That said, the tradeoff for these mild temperatures is a very hot summer. Even though there is often a nice breeze from the Gulf, it gets very hot and humid in the summer months.

While air conditioning provides a great relief from these high temperatures, it can get expensive. Electric bills when the air conditioning is running can be as much as three times higher!

You may be surprised to learn that impact glass windows can help with this problem as well.

The multi-layer construction of impact windows significantly reduces the amount of solar heat that penetrates your home. The more heat that gets into your home, the harder your air conditioning will have to work to cool the house.

Additionally, even though it is warm year round in Florida, there can be some chilly winter nights. Impact glass windows will help keep the heat in your house sealed in there, keeping your family warm all night.

Get a Discount on Homeowners' Insurance

Knowing that your home is more secure will help set your mind at ease. Additionally, it will also look attractive to your insurance companies.

Insurance companies calculate how much to charge you based on certain risks. If they believe that you are more likely to need to make an expensive claim, they will charge you more.

When you install impact glass windows in your home, you are decreasing your risk of damages. Taking this precaution often results in a discount on your insurance policy.

With a discount on your monthly insurance premium, the impact glass windows could potentially pay for themselves.

Increase your Resale Value

When buyers are looking for a new home, they are most concerned that structural and security features are updated. Items like the roof, foundation, electricity, and windows have a big impact on a home's safety.

For this reason, installing impact glass windows could add a lot of value to your home. Buyers will be enticed by the fact that they will not have to install these windows themselves.

If you're ready to install impact windows in your home, contact us for a free quote. Our team of experts will work with you to find the perfect solution for your house.